Looking through the eyes of your Supplier

cats eyes

I am often advocating purchasing goods from China to sell in the UK as it can reap substantial benefits such as allowing for higher sales margins and providing access to niche or bespoke products that would sell well in the UK with limited competition.

Part of my day to day job is arranging shipping and logistics solutions for clients once they have made the purchase to make delivery to the UK run smoothly.  This is the easy bit.

During this process I am often copied in on emails back and forth between buyer and supplier which sometimes can be almost endless before a mutually agreeable sale has been agreed.  These emails will usually cover similar subject matter and often are perfectly understandable questions made by people who are usually fairly new to importing and obviously wary of parting with their hard earned cash.

Much negotiation time could be saved and the process could be less frustrating if the buyer could perhaps understand things from the supplier’s point of view before you start contacting them.

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